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CORD - The Chinmaya Organisation for Rural Development 

CORD’s programs in rural development cater to empowering and making communities self-reliant. The uniqueness of the model rests on making the rural communities equal partners in their development, rather than just facilitating developmental projects.

In India, CORD has Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) nurtured in each village ward to encourage them to participate at the Gram Panchayat level, a unit of local self-governance.

Further, to ensure the success of its model, CORD puts women at the center stage, and all its programs are facilitated through the Mahila Mandals or Women’s Groups.


We are now expanding programs through CORDUSA to bring the vision of CORD to all the Chinmaya Mission Centers globally!


For more information, please see CORD India or CORDUSA or CORDUSA - Global Network  

or contact Vidya Ramanathan at


 © Chinmaya Mission Ann Arbor 2023

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